Friday, April 27, 2012

Main causes of WW1:

1. The Assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand and his wife by Bosnian revolutionary, Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo.

2. Nationalism (main political reason)

3. Imperialism

4. Alliances (German, Italy, Austria)

5. Militarism

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Biography of Zheng He

Zheng He was born in Yunnan Province, which was the southwestern part of China in 1371 A.D.  He was also born into a Muslim family that both his father and grandfather were both Muslims and had each visited Mecca for the Muslim pilgrimage. His parents named him “Ma He” in honor of Mohammed. When he was eleven years old, in 1381, a Ming army was dispatched to Yunnan. From that, his father was killed and he also captured by the Ming Muslim troops and made a eunuch. He was castrated that help people to trust him, because he could not have children. He started to serve Zhu Di, who was the prince of Yan and became Ming emperor. In 1402, Zhu Di sent Zheng He and Wang Jinghong to lead a huge fleet to the Western Sea, which is Southeast Asia for today. They carried large quantity of goods to the Southeast Asia, east Africa and Arabia and this was unprecedented great historical period of trade and cultural exchanges. From 1405 to 1433, he led his fleet to voyage to about 30 countries in Africa through West and East Asia for seven times. They carried silk and ceramics and exchanged it with animals, minerals and jewels in tropical area. In the Strait of Malacca, he defeated pirates and reached to Calcutta in India. In 1431, he arrived at Mecca in Saudi Arabia and navigated until the strait of Swahili in eastern part of Africa. However the Hongxi Emperor decided to stop the voyages. So Chinese treasure ship fleets were ended. His voyages are “87 years earlier than that of Columbus, 93 years earlier than that of Gama, and 116 years earlier than that of Magellan.” Zheng he is still remembered navigator, because his museums are in some countries about his legacy such as Sri Lanka and China.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Christianity & Islam

Christianity holds Jesus to be the Christ.-          When: The word "Christian" was first made when Jesus came on this earth. (The mid-1st century)
-          Where: Christianity was founded in the city of Jerusalem in present day of Israel, where the teachings of Jesus Christ began. Because of prosecution, the church dispersed into Greece, Syria, Asia Minor and all sorts of other places.
-          Who: Jesus is the Son of God, God having become human and the savior of humanity. (Commonly refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah.)
-          What: Christian belief is that through belief in and acceptance of the death and resurrection of Jesus, sinful humans can be reconciled to God and thereby are offered salvation and the promise of eternal life

-       When: 1400 years ago
-       Where: in Arabia
-       Who: ministry of a man named Muhammad who was the last prophet to be sent by Allah. Other major prophets who preceded Muhammad include: Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus).
-       What: The word 'Islam' in Arabic actually means to surrender oneself to God. The Muslim Holy Scriptures are called the Qur'an. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the actual word of Allah and was dictated to Muhammad (pbuh). The only authoritative version of the Qur'an is the one in the original Arabic.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Alexander the Great

Alexander was born on the 6th day of the ancient Greek month of Hekatombaion, which may correspond to 20 (or 21) July 356 BC in Pella, the capital of the Ancient Greek Kingdom of Macedon. He was the son of the king of Macedon, Philip II, and his fourth wife, Olympias. Philip 2 chose Aristotle as the teacher for Alexander when Alexander was 13 years old. He was a master of martial arts and he gained excellent in studies. He features prominently in the history and myth of Greek and non-Greek cultures. Alexander was raised in the manner of noble Macedonian youths, learning to read, play the lyre, ride, fight, and hunt. He could also manage the horse even in young age. When his father was away from the country, Alexander governed the nation as the regent.
Alexander the Great had such great pothos that he had to continue winning and beating other empires in order to feel satisfied. Pothos is a longing, or desire for something more. Alexander kept going and going because he never felt fulfilled and he never felt content with what he had. He was tempted by everything that is unknown; he liked the risk. As a child, he was sort of an outsider to his family -- it is known that he considered Aristotle, his tutor, more of a father than his own father -- but he didn't want to go "home," he wanted fulfillment. He wanted to conquer the world to assimilate the culture, also. –SabraKadabra. Alexander the Great conquered more than almost any other single man ever. He conquered Greece, "Asia"(The Middle East), Egypt, and even parts of India. The reason for this was because Persia once owned this land. Alexander had what you might call a vendetta against Persia. Persia tried to conquer Greece, and Alexander was a "Greek".
Alexander was known as Alexander the Great because he was successful in conquering more than half of the world. Alexander had conquered so many kingdoms, no human could even possibly think about it. Alexander the great was known as the most powerful military leader and conqueror of the ancient world. He also became known as the Hellenistic Age, when the influence of Greece spread throughout the known world.