Sunday, September 25, 2011

Assignment for cooking video

Cooking is very important for human. Even long years ago people cooked their food by fire. This video shows us why human have cooked and importance of cooking. Australopithecus is quiet similar to modern apes that eat raw food and just chew. However Homo erectus started to create fire and cooked food. from 2 million years people usually cook food until now. Why do cooked foods more important than raw foods? As following the research that snake is eaten both raw meat and cooked meat, it digest cooked meat much more quickly than raw meat. Furthermore, the rat that eats cooked carrot consumes their energy and spins whirl more time than before. Because cooked foods have more calories so that people gain more weight. These mean that getting more energy and digest food easily by break food and spread it into body. Also these give people more taste. From that reason people continue to cook food until our generation and people could develop brain such as creativity.